戰爭命令 Order Of War 英文正式版( RTS 即時戰略遊戲軟體)(DVD9版)
《Order Of War》由曾開發過《全面攻擊》的 Wargaming.net 所研發。SQUARE ENIX 執行長
John Yamamoto 表示,《Order Of War》提供了 SQUARE ENIX 一個新機會踏入這個非常受歡
迎的遊戲類型, 藉由優異遊戲畫面品質、符合真實戰鬥感與忠於歷史等特色,希望能夠吸引
Order of WarAn opening scene shows a beautifully animated recreation
of the arrows moving across Europe as representations of the Allied
and Nazi province as they sweep across France. So when you're expecting
Dad?s Army ?The Game, and instead get something of a Hollywood version
of an RTS, you're bound to be a little bit disappointed. It's my own fault
though, and I should have realised when Clive Dunn wasn't singing the
theme tune.So where are we? Ah yes, Order of War. A serious and cinematic
World War II RTS. There's been lots of talk about how strange it is that
Japanese game company Square Enix has chosen this title to invade ?sorry,
bad choice of words - branch out into worldwide publishing, but to be quite
honest it was probably the saviour of the game. As a real-time strategy title,
Order of War perhaps wouldn't satisfy the typically hardcore fan, but the
superbly high production values plaster over a great many cracks to create a
game that?s supremely watchable - even if it doesn't play blindingly well.
Pentium IV 2 GHz / Athlon 2.4 GHz
DirectX 9.0c-compatible video card with 128 MB RAM (MX series and XGI Volari not supported)
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